One of the words that hauntingly comes to mind when mentioning Dubai encompasses the image of breathtaking Dubai landscape, which is a synonym of progress and new trends. Urban areas are notorious for their concrete jungles and the opposite of them—wild lushness. However, this is not a rule; there is an “oasis of greenery and beauty” hidden in the cities that landscaping brings into the world. In this blog, we will take a closer look at all kinds of landscaping that create a wondrous view of the city, presenting both the alluring natural beauty and human ingenuity.
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1. Desert Landscaping in Dubai

The arid nature of the UAE’s location within the Arabian Desert was the foundation upon which innovative creators of desert landscaping found utility. The style of landscaping in Dubai embraces the unique aspects of arid lands by intermixing natives like palm, succulents, and cacti. Considering Dubai’s arid weather, planners and engineers use innovative technology and irrigation systems to ensure the desert is transformed into arguably vital outdoor spaces within this population centre.
2. Landscaping Dubai’s Tropical Oasis

Among other things, Dubai provides visitors with a riot of colours and variety that beautifully complement sandy landscapes and give a sense of being in paradise. Through thick groves of trees, blue flowers, and waterfalls, these oases are within the heart of the city. Besides residential facilitation, public parks will also offer residents an opportunity to enjoy the tropical greenery. City dwellers as well as tourists will have a place to run away from the city’s hubbub and find inner peace by sitting in one of the urban greeneries.
3. Modern Minimalist Landscaping in UAE

In parallel with Dubai’s up-to-date architecture and design conceptions, new age landscaping in a more minimalistic style has become trendy in the last few years. The streamline modernism style is just as disorderly, if not more so, than the organic modernism with its monotonous block and geometric patterns as well as limited colour palette. However, it focuses on simplicity and sophistication. Adding to this, manicured green lawns, hardscapes with neat looks, and focal factors with well-placed points can create harmony and balance in the smaller landscapes.
4. Waterfront Landscaping of Dubai

The fact that Dubai is very close to the Arabian Gulf and that many of its fountains address the water landscaping pattern of the city can be seen around the shores. They consist of elements of nature and urban planning, and contain waterfront promenades, gardens, and lookout spots. These park areas are affected by the weather conditions, which create a mixture of interesting colour and light effects. The view along the seawall or near the waterfront cottage is as eye-catching and inviting as the walk along the seaside park or vacation at a waterfront resort does for the nearby residents and visiting tourists.
5. Dubai’s Innovative Landscaping with Vertical Gardens

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In the course of urbanisation, where Dubai’s megascape is undergoing transformation, vertical gardens have emerged as an innovative way of enriching the vertical space with greenery and colourful bloom. E.g. these ones Plant walls, which some people tally with their names as green walls, have assimilated a range of plants and vegetation cascading down the facades of the buildings, thus bringing nature closer to the concrete cities. Vertical gardens, besides adding ornamentation (the elements of planting or landscape design), also partake in air quality improvement and insulation, which makes them a green, sustainable landscape option.
To sum up, the variety of landscape design in the UAE is only as rich as the city itself, displaying a variety of tastes and performing a large number of types of landscaping. Either it turns to the dryness of the desert, nature’s tropicality, or adopting a modern way of design, landscaping in Dubai is a combination of tradition and innovation.